Buka aplikasi Hello World di Android studio, dan di folder manifests folder, buka AndroidManifest.xml. Baca file dan pertimbangkan apa yang ditunjukkan oleh setiap kode. Kode di bawah ini dianotasi untuk memberi Anda petunjuk.
<!-- XML version and character encoding -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Required starting tag for the manifest -->
<!-- Defines the android namespace. Do not change. -->
<!-- Unique package name of your app. Do not change once app is
published. -->
<!-- Required application tag -->
<!-- Allow the application to be backed up and restored. –>
<!-- Icon for the application as a whole,
and default icon for application components. –>
<!-- User-readable for the application as a whole,
and default icon for application components. Notice that Android
Studio first shows the actual label "Hello World".
Click on it, and you will see that the code actually refers to a string
resource. Ctrl-click @string/app_name to see where the resource is
specified. This will be covered in a later practical . –>
<!-- Whether the app is willing to support right-to-left layouts.–>
<!-- Default theme for styling all activities. –>
<!-- Declares an activity. One is required.
All activities must be declared,
otherwise the system cannot see and run them. –>
<!-- Name of the class that implements the activity;
subclass of Activity. –>
<!-- Specifies the intents that this activity can respond to.–>
<!-- The action and category together determine what
happens when the activity is launched. –>
<!-- Start activity as the main entry point.
Does not receive data. –>
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<!-- Start this activity as a top-level activity in
the launcher . –>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<!-- Closing tags –>